Calder Brezina
2 min readDec 11, 2020


Aloha Calder Gamedevhq intern here with another article about the daily grind and what I have been doing lately.

all right I got the asteroids working with the rotation speed how fast it goes in a rotates and also that it spawns in the game basically when you destroy it so I'm really glad to have that Nexus on the thrusters I got those down as well yeah I can't wait to start tweaking out these things I just started getting into the game audio now and I probably won't be able to hear him I guess so I'll have to take videos but I think my next ideas are going to have is maybe seeing if I can spawn in smaller meteorites as enemies and be kind of cool I can collide and do what you're trying to dodge or whatever.

really stoked to be getting into the game audio so far it seems pretty cool I haven't too far into cuz I have to fix my thruster damage or player damages to say and I have to figure out why it's sometimes clip but I just think it's a cold air that I can fix it should be too hard the more and more I do this through the more excited I get I think once I get over to the framework though that's when things are going to get pretty awesome for me and my game.

well, folks that is it for my article thank you very much for coming by if you did and I hope you guys have a good night and I hope the bed bugs and other things don't bite.

Aloha Calder

Calder Brezina
Calder Brezina

Written by Calder Brezina

gaming intern musician Hawaiian gamer

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