aloha Calder Gamedevhq intern here with another article about the daily grind
and I can honestly tell you right now I'm so happy I finally figured out why I was struggling so hard with that part of the course.
this has been a doozy of a 4-day work crash I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out I did ask for help around but I also wanted to kind of challenge myself and kind of show that I could figure it out on my own which I kind of almost did but thanks to my my brother who came in with the logic yeah he figured it out for me or at least the last thing which was one line of code just one you know not like an if statement or While and one line of code in the middle like just doing one of those like this this game object you know breaks and is destroyed and just it was sitting there and I remember why it was there but I didn’t realize that like the other codes I was writing in that script was kind of negating it and I was like oh I guess it makes sense though.
all I got to say is I’m so stoked I can’t wait to do more tomorrow I’ve already kind of dug in pretty hard in it but that will be a stuff for the day of tomorrow.
anyways folks that’s it for the article I will definitely have some nice gif and stuff tomorrow to show I feel happy about it that I can actually show something again 🤣 hey yo have a good night folks see you tomorrow.
Aloha Calder